miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012


Dear Intermediate Twelve students:

You can choose from the following tasks in order to prepare your ALP:

1) Do research on-line and give a presentation about the creators of websites such as eBay or MercadoLibre.

2) Do research and talk about innovative gadgets or items that are being developed to be used in the future. What will the benefits of those inventions be?

3) Work on preparing an oral presentation about status symbols of different decades. Do research and ask people of different generations about the topic.

4) Give a presentation in which you show pictures of different works of art that intended to make an impact. Reflect upon the meaning and effectiveness of those samples.

5) Find information about regions that are losing their biodiversity and present your findings in an oral presentation.

Target language:

- Definite and indefinite articles.
- Expressions for comparing and contrasting similarities and differences.
- Fronted structures for emphasis.
- Expressions to give arguments and counterarguments.
- Future tenses.
- Expressions for describing benefits.
- Expressions for supporting main points.

You should do research about the topic of your choice. You may consult the internet or books. After learning about your topic you should put all important information in a well-organized presentation that will follow the INTRODUCTION - BODY - CONCLUSION format. Your speech should be research-based and it should also contain opinion-generated ideas. You will use your own words for your presentation. Repeating like a parrot what's on the net won't lead you to getting 3 points. My “orientation page” will help you organize your material. You should show pictures to illustrate your speech. It could be done with pictures sticked to cardboard or you can make a PowerPoint presentation and upload it to our system through the ICPNA web site. Feel free to ask questions about the ALP in class.


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