miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012


Dear Intermediate Six students:

Your ALP assignment this month is about “2012 CNN HEROES”.  Remember to include modals and phrasal modals along your presentation.

You will find information to start your research at:


You should do research about the 2012 CNN Hero of your choice. After learning about your hero, you should put all important information in a well-organized presentation that will follow the INTRODUCTION - BODY - CONCLUSION format. You will use your own words for your presentation. Repeating like a parrot what's on the net won't lead you to getting 3 points. My “orientation page” will help you organize your material. You should also show pictures to illustrate your speech. It could be done with pictures sticked to cardboard or you can make a PowerPoint presentation and upload it to our system through the ICPNA web site.  Feel free to ask questions about the ALP in class.

Hope you find this information helpful,

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