martes, 22 de octubre de 2013


A well organized presentation should include:

The introduction presents your topic and introduces your listeners to important findings that your research brought out.

The middle part of the presentation gives the findings with examples and explanations. Paragraphs should start with a topic sentence, followed by supporting ideas and examples.

The conclusion summarizes what you have learned from the research and leaves your audience with something to think about.

To sound natural and to make it easy for the audience to follow your presentation you should use some of the following expressions:

Introducing a presentation
Today, I’m going to talk to you about…
I’d like to tell you about…
In this presentation, I’m going to…

Transitions in a presentation
We’ve talked about…
Next, we’ll tell you about…
We’ve discussed… Now I’ll explain…
We have seen… Now, let’s look at…

Ending a presentation
Before I finish, let me say…
So in conclusion, …
To conclude, …

Talking about charts and visual aids
This chart explains…
As you can see, …
They key point is that…
It’s clear that…
It’s important to note that…
This illustration shows…
This photograph gives…
This graph compares…

Illustrating your point
For instance…
Take, for example, …
To give you an idea…

Giving additional reasons
Not only that, but…
Not to mention the fact that…
And besides, …

Stating your opinion
I strongly believe…
I’m convinced that…
Without a doubt, …

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