jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

ALP - Basic Six

Dear Basic 6 students:

Your ALP assignment this month is going to be about:”CITIES TO LIVE IN PERU”.

Instructions: You will deliver an oral presentation about a city in Peru using:
There is/are
Count/Noncount nouns
Quantity expressions

The cities to work on are the following:

1) Arequipa
2) Ayacucho
3) Cajamarca
4) Chiclayo
5) Cusco
6) Huancayo
7) Huaraz
8) Ica
9) Juliaca
10) Pisco
11) Piura
12) Pucalpa
13) Puerto Maldonado
14) Sullana
15) Tacna
16) Tarapoto
17) Trujillo
18) Tumbes

You can find information in English about the cities at the following link:

You should do research about the city you were assigned. You may consult the internet or books. After learning about your city you should put all important information in a well-organized presentation that will follow the INTRODUCTION - BODY - CONCLUSION format. You will use your own words for your presentation. Repeating like a parrot what's on the net won't lead you to getting 3 points. My “orientation page” will help you organize your material. You should also make a poster with pictures to illustrate your speech. It could be done with pictures sticked to cardboard or you can make a powerpoint presentation and upload it to our system through the ICPNA web site. The project presentations will be on Thursday May 27th. Feel free to ask questions about the ALP in class.

On Friday 14th we will have an ALP preparation session. You will need to write graphic organizer number one with information about the city you were assigned. In class, we will work in groups and share information. I will collect graphic organizers after group work. On Friday 21th we will have a second ALP preparation session. This time you will need to submit a first draft of your presentation. You will use graphic organizer two and your own words to explain why the city you were assigned is or isn't a good place to live in. Remember that you have to include count and noncount nouns with appropriate quantity expressions. Adjectives will be very useful too when describing your city.

These are some of the factors you may talk about in the body of your presentation:

Cost of living
Access to education
Law enforcement
Economic environment
Socio-cultural environment
Health and sanitation
Public services
Waste disposal
Public transport
Traffic congestion
Consumer goods

Hope this information is useful!
See you,

ALP - Advanced Grammar Two

Dear AG2 students,

I decided to assign you an ALP about unsolved mysteries. Find hereunder then instructions for your ALP assignment:


The topics to work on are the following:

1) Alcatraz Escape
2) Bermuda Triangle
3) Bigfoot
4) Billy the Kid
5) Agatha Christie
6) Kurt Cobain
7) D.B. Cooper
8) Elvis Presley
9) Yeti
10) Roswell
11) Martin Luther King Jr.

All the mysteries that I selected are explained in this page: www.unsolved.com You may want to search for additional data, though.

You should read in order to learn about the topic that was assigned to you. After that you should put all important information in a well-organized presentation that will follow the INTRODUCTION - BODY - CONCLUSION format. You will use your own words. Don't copy exact words from the web sites that you consult. Repeating like a parrot what's on the net won't lead you to getting 3 points. My orientation page will help you organize your material. You should also make a poster with pictures to illustrate your speech. The poster could be made with pictures sticked to cardboard or you could make a powerpoint presentation and upload it to our system through the ICPNA web site. The ALP is going to be presented on May 26th.

Prior to the oral presentation you will submit graphic organizers one and two to show me your progress. The orientation sessions will be on Friday 14th and Friday 21st.

Hope this information is helpful.
See you!